Number of seeds (isemax): 1 1 Number of pe-macroparticles/bunch (npepb, originally 500)): 25000 Number of bunches (nbunch): CESR bunches (filled and unfilled) per revolution 9x(6+14)+3 = 183. ECLOUD stops after NBUNCH bunch passages. 45 Number of intermediate steps per bunch passage (#slices < 50000) (nbstep, originally 150): 150 Number of intermediate steps per inter bunch drift (nistep, originally 300, carmody job65: 1000): 300 Number of intermediate steps per offset kick (nostep): 1 Number of bunch passage for which the energy distributions is plotted (jebin): 400 Number of bunch slice after which the energy distributions is plotted (iebin): 400 Movie option (1 -> plotting the particle distribution every slice) (imovie): 0 The movie pictures are plotted every 'iseq' slice/interbunch step: 1 Number of particles per bunch (ppb): CESR 1 mA/bunch = 1.6e10 (7 Dec 07 50ma/9x6) 1.2e10 Bunch spacing (sb [m]):CESR 14 ns * 3 4.2 RMS Bunch length (bl [m]): For gaussian (idistr=1), the bunch time interval is 4*sqrt(3)*BL, i.e. +-3.4 sigma 0.0088 Length of bending magnet (belen [m]):CESR - calculate buildup over length 1 m 1. Particle energy (energy [eV]): CESR 5.3 GeV CESR-c 2.085E9 2.085e9 Machine circumference (circum [m]): CESR 768 m 768.44 Primary photoelectron emission yield (peeff): From SR rate 0.07 photons/sec PEEF=0.03=0.07*0.434. REFL=80%, psi distribution: 1=uniform (Carmody job65: 0.01 60.0 1) 0.0653 15.0 1 Maximum bunch number until which photoelectrons are emitted (nbini): 400 Maximum slice number until which photoelectrons are emitted (nsini): 400 Modulo Switch -> particles are emitted every nbini's bunch (imodo): 0 Angle cut for the emitted photons (2.0 -> normal distribution, < 2.0 limited): CESR 0.015 for 1-mm vertical stripe .015 Energy for photo electrons (position of peak)(epemax [eV]): 5. 0. 0. Energy of the photo electrons (sigma of distribution) (epesig [eV]): 5. 5. Energy of the secondary electrons (sigma of distribution) (semax [eV]): 1.8 Energy distribution for sec. el. (iseldis): (1->Gauss,2->Miguel,3->Exp,4->Lor,5->Noel) 5 Energy cut for the 'time.*.data' files (ecut): 160.0d3 Secondary emission yield (yim): LHC:1.1 Carmody Job65: 1.6. 13may08 webex: 1.8 2.0 Energy at which maximum secondary emission yield occurs (yemax): 310. Nr of times the space charge field is recalculated during and between bunch passages (interspace): 11 Switch for electron image charges (iimage=1 -> image charges are included): 1 Switch for beam image charges (iimageb=1 -> image charges are included): 1 Horizontal beam size (sx [m]): CESR IP 0.2 mm; Arc: 1.5mm .00133 Vertical beam size (sy [m]): CESR IP 0.002 mm; Arc 0.2 mm .00011 Horizontal aperture limitation (xbound [m]): CESR 4.5 cm 0.045 Vertical aperture limitation (ybound [m]): CESR approx elliptical chamber 0.025 Vertical aperture limitation at the flat part of the beam pipe (zbound [m]): 0.025 Bending field (bfield [T]/[T/m]): CESR drift: 0 CESR 5gev dipole 0.22 quad 5.0 Carmody Job65: 0.08 T, CesrTA L3 5/2008 22G and 45G 0.0791 Electrostatic field (volt [V]) 0.0 Switch for bending field (0->Drift, 1->Dipole, 2->Quad, 3->Sol(integ), 4->Sol(RK)) (ibend): 18 ibend Switch for loosing particles (iloss=1 -> allows particle loss) (iloss): 1 Switch for space charge (ispace=1 -> 1-dim mesh, ispace=2 -> 2-dim mesh): 2 Switch for charge distribution (idistr=0 -> uniform; idistr=1 -> Gauss) 1 Switch for beam-beam kick (ibeam=0:no kick; ibeam=1: beam-beam kick;ibeam=2: e- beam) 1 Switch for wave guide mode (iwave=0 -> bunched beam; iwave=1,2 -> wave guide) 0 Inner radius of the wave guide (rbound [m]): 0.003 Length of the wave guide (wgl [m]; for iwave=2: "wavelength"):0.9 6.0d0 Wave number of the standing wave (wk; for iwave=2:"period/pulsewidth"):1.5 2.222222222222d0 Voltage of the standing wave (vtem [Volt]) 160.0d0 DC Bias for the standing wave (vtem0 [Volt]):100.0 1.0d-5 Wire radius of the 6-wire waveguide(rbound6 [m]) 0.5d-3 Number of particles per satellite bunch (ppb1):1.05e10 0.0d0 Bunch spacing of the satellite bunch (sb1 [m]): 0.00d0 Number of particles per satellite bunch (ppb2):1.05e10 0.0d0 Bunch spacing of the satellite bunch (sb2 [m]): 0 x,y offsets for main bunch (x1, y1 [mm]) 0. 0. x,y offsets for 1st satellite bunch (x2, y2 [mm]) 0. 0. x,y offsets for 2nd satellite bunch (x3, y3 [mm]) 0. 0. switch for gas ionization (icoll) 0 switch for elastic reflection (inel,escdf. escdf used only for inel=3) 1 0.5 Fill pattern (1: no of repetitions and abort gap, 2: full, empty, full, empty buckets) CESR 3*(6,14,6,14,6,15)=183=1281/7. 1 0 45 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1. 0. 1. 0. 0 Switch for azimuth 1 wake field switch 0 0.00 0.005 200 e- monitor 0. 0 CPU time limit 180000. Primary p.e. ang distr ipeflag,ipanghel(ipeflag=0:orig; 1:mod;2:posinst/pangel;3:cloudland) 2 1 BEAMFIELD calculation method (0:use QGRID sources, 1: use cloud macroparticle sources) 0 RFA model (0: no RFA modelling, otherwise model with Vretard in volts) 0 0.5